Revolutionizing Caregiver Recruitment through On-Demand Video

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HEROES Project,
AAL Funded,
R&D in Social Care


Product Design, UI/UX,
Web Development,
Mobile Development

HEROES stands as the pinnacle result of the AAL JP project, embodying an on-demand video recruitment platform tailored for caregivers and nurses. This innovative solution aims to simplify and personalize the caregiver recruitment process for older adults, their families, and home care agencies. By harnessing the power of on-demand video recruiting, HEROES empowers users to efficiently discover suitable candidates through video profiles, applications, and expert opinions.


The catalyst for our transformative project in caregiver recruitment was The Care Hub, a visionary in healthcare innovation, who brought together our expertise with that of specialists from Austria and Switzerland, each renowned in healthcare technology and social innovation.

With the consortium formed, we applied for the Active and Assisted Living (AAL) Programme. Our proposal, HEROES, an on-demand video platform for caregiver recruitment, was a blend of social innovation and technological advancement. The AAL Programme, recognizing the potential impact of the HEROES platform, granted us 2M+ EUR in funding. This substantial financial support marked the beginning of our journey, allowing us to start developing HEROES with both the resources and the confidence to aim for a substantial and positive impact in the caregiving sector.

Addressing Needs and Problems

The HEROES platform is precisely tuned to the needs of older adults requiring assistance, families seeking caregiving support, and small to medium-sized home care agencies aiming to recruit competent staff. HEROES transforms the recruitment process, offering time-saving efficiency while adding a personal touch through video interactions that transcend traditional recruitment methods.

The development of HEROES was deeply user-centric, involving 112 end-users in co-creation activities, including 18 workshops (both online and in-person). This inclusive approach encompassed a wide range of stakeholders, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of diverse user needs. As a result, the platform stands out as a transformative solution in the caregiver recruitment landscape, addressing the needs of a diverse group of stakeholders:

  • Older Adults Seeking Support

    Traditional recruitment processes can be opaque and impersonal, failing to provide older adults and their families with a true sense of who the caregivers are. HEROES changes this dynamic by introducing video profiles, allowing older adults and their families to see and hear from caregivers directly, leading to more informed and comfortable decision-making.

  • Family Members in Search of Caregiving Assistance

    Families often struggle with finding caregivers who not only have the necessary skills but also resonate on a personal level with their loved ones. HEROES offers a more engaging and transparent way to assess potential caregivers, bridging the gap between professional qualifications and personal compatibility.

  • Home Care Agencies Aiming for Efficient Recruitment

    For small to medium-sized agencies, the recruitment process can be resource-intensive and time-consuming. HEROES streamlines this process by providing a platform where they can quickly identify and connect with suitable candidates, reducing the time and costs associated with traditional hiring methods.

  • Challenges in Scheduling and Conducting Interviews

    Coordinating interviews between candidates, families, and agencies can be a logistical challenge. The on-demand nature of HEROES eliminates these scheduling issues, allowing for more flexibility and convenience for all parties involved.

  • Evaluating Candidates Beyond Resumes and Applications

    Traditional written applications and resumes can only convey so much about a candidate’s suitability for caregiving roles. Through video answers and profiles, HEROES provides a more holistic view of the candidates, encompassing their communication skills, empathy, and personal approach to caregiving.


AAL Programme
AAL Programme
Austrian Research Promotion Agency
Austrian Research Promotion Agency
Swiss Innovation Agency
Swiss Innovation Agency
rapid user feedback
rapid user feedback